My thoughts go out to the many people across the UK who have suffered from flooding in the recent downpours. I don't know what happened to summer during June but count myself lucky that despite living in Cumbria, a county not noted for its dryness (well something has to fill all those lakes) we have so far got off lucky.
I cannot imagine what it must be like to lose all your possessions and the considerable damage to your home and of course the garden. An event like that must completely devastate your life.

We have been lucky to have a few dry and sunny days when we have been able to get in the garden. I have ended up with a very patriotic trellis archway this summer and quite by accident I might add. The vivid blue of the Prince Charles Clematis against the white rambler (sport of Little White Pet) and the deep red of rose Dublin Bay has made a magnificent show these last two weeks.
We are now preparing for our trip to the wonderful Hampton Court and I am getting quite excited. It really is a fantastic show and there is so much room to walk around and enjoy the dramatic backdrop of Hampton Court Palace. Whoever thought up that venue for the flower show at the RHS, all those years ago, deserves our heartfelt thanks, because it couldn't be better.
In the meantime, there is plenty of summer planning to do for the remaining shows of the season including Tatton and Southport. Harrogate will be coming around again in the Autumn as will Malvern so there is still plenty to do in the season before we finally hang up our wellingtons, forks and trowels for the winter.