Spring is coming - believe me
The tips of my daffodils and tulips are already popping up through the pot tops so I am encouraged to think that there is life after all this rain, wind and hail. This time last year all three of my Camellia trees were in full bloom, but not so this year. All have reasonable buds on them but not so prolific as last January and none are yet open. The cold snap before Christmas has no doubt halted their burst for life, so we shall see.
Just to buck you up for the coming seasons I have put a picture of my garden from last summer, at least looking at all those lovely flowering roses and flowers gives you a bit of heart to continue on through the bleakest moments of January and February.
I tend to neglect the garden during the most cold months, which is totally wrong, because if you have read Val Bourne's book 'The Winter Garden' you should be inspired enough to plant some shrubs and plants which are at their best during the dark, wet months. She will enthuse you with the witch hazel and dogwoods and a variety of late season grasses which will add sculptural granduer to your garden during winter.
However, for me, once February is over I start to get excited about the coming spring and summer and positvely will away the weeks until March peeps its head over the horizon and then - yes - a real feel that everything is coming to life begins.
January is still a time to take stock for the coming seasons. Get out of the way any jobs which involve construction or change and think about planting themes and colourful pots.
I am already developing the Reckless diary for the coming months and it is getting full of planned garden visits and features. So keep the faith, the rain and hail will soon pass and then we will be in the fast-lane to the first exciting and brilliant buds of spring.