winter reading beckons

As autumn marches on and thoughts of the pre-winter tidy-up are ever present it is good to realise that with winter comes the opportunity to catch up on all those gardening books we have been wanting to read but were too busy for during the summer.
One really delightful little book, published this month, is A Countrywoman's Notes by Rosemary Verey. Rosemary was one of England's most celebrated garden designers and writers. She created gardens for Elton John and the Prince of Wales. In her 'notes' she celebrates the intimacies of a rural world in an idyllic Cotswolds setting but with an eye to modern existence and an appreciation of progress. This informative and entertaining small volume contains engravings by contemporary artists and a personal forward by Prince Charles. Each chapter captures the atmosphere of successive months in her own entertaining and inspirational style.
Ursula Buchan, who writes regularly for the Spectator and Daily Telegraph, is another writer who never fails to entertain. In 'Back to the Garden'. she presents us with a collection of her garden writings, enabling us to appreciate some of the ways in which gardening intrigues, enriches and fascinates her and us. Ursula has a wonderful witty style of writing and this book will entertain us from the agonies of entering the village flower show to the joy of the 'Evelyn' rose. Whether she is discussing lawn-mower maintenance or the discovery that there is more to flower arranging than just putting them in a pretty vase, she touches the nerve of every dedicated gardener who will be able to share her experiences.
Both books are published by Frances Lincoln Ltd., and will make excellent Christmas presents for the gardener in your life.
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