Thursday, September 07, 2006

Dahlia joy

I have been spending a few days in the Highlands - the heather is coming into bloom and the weather was glorious - unlike the rest of the UK apparently! A visit to the Glenfiddich Distillery revived the parts that couldn't otherwise be revived although after a couple of glasses one's dexterity in the garden would seriously be impaired. And then back home to the garden to find some glorious Dahlia's all nodding their heads and waiting for me to stand back and praise them.

Despite the dry summer the recent rains have come at the right time for these delightful plants and we have been rewarded with a fine crop. It's always good to be able to bring flowers into the house which you have grown yourself, rather like eating your own home grown vegetables, and so a lovely vase now graces the kitchen. What does not seem to be so successful this year is the Chrysanthemums - one or two of mine have gone altogether and the other clump is not flowering at all. I wonder if anyone else has had this problem.

Some of the roses look a sorry sight due to black spot but this is an annual problem here in Cumbria so we just have to get on with it.


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