autumnal mornings

These last few days have been delightful first thing in the morning. The spiders are leaving silky intricate cobwebs on plants and fences, there is a freshness and that slight tingle which tells you autumn is here. The leaves are dropping and one wonders if the autumn colours for which the Lake District, among several places, is famous for, will shine this year. I have been very daring and attempted to put a pic on of my cordyline and its children and also a spider's web so hopefully when you read this on the blog it won't be jibberish but text with a picture.
Even silver surfers can learn new things every day and now that I have just about mastered the 'blog' thing, hope that I will be able to put pics on as well when relevant.
Thanks again to Bob - as he says hopefully his response might tempt a few more of you to enter into 'blogconversation' through Reckless.
Don't worry your blog is never jibberish even without pictures. I am right impressed with your babies.
That is an amazing spiders web Sandy so big and visible. I wonder how big the owner is.
Wow, what a gorgeous spiderweb! It looks so big, and so perfect, that one almost has to wonder whether it's real.
I found your blog through UKBob and have enjoyed my visit. I must say that I was predisposed to liking a "Reckless Gardener" anyway! :)
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