global warming

I am not too sure that I completely concur with all the global warming doom, although there is a part of me which appreciates that all the rubbish we are pumping into our atmosphere has to have some effect eventually. However, I was more than surprised to find that my normally spring flowering camellia has actually opened a flower and its October!
I couldn't believe my eyes when I went out into the garden yesterday. There it was, a beautiful flower - does anyone with Camellia knowledge know if this is normal or not? The tree has good buds on this autumn and my other Camellia which was very sickly last winter had a good cut at the end of December and this really seems to have done the trick as it too has good colour and a good supply of buds - although that one is not flowering. The late great Christopher Lloyd always counselled a good cut for an unruly or sad camellia and it certainly did the trick for me.
I don't know if any of the other buds might open also so I will keep you posted. As for the rest of the garden it now needs a good tidy up before the onset of colder weather so this weekend some good garden-keeping I think.
I haven't had much to do with camellias but usaully they do flower in Spring time. Your plant looks really health though doesn't it.
Thats a beautiful Camelia flower Sandy. Here's a bit of trivia to bring up next time you have a dinner party. camelias are named after a european missionary who found them in China, his name was Kame. have a nice day!
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