Wednesday, November 15, 2006

not a happy bunny

Sorry for the lack of blogs recently but out of nowhere I have developed a tooth abscess and now I look as though I have had an argument with a garden spade.

Needless to say I haven't been too busy in the garden as the facial disfigurement is quite serious and I am operating on one eye at the moment. I haven't been out to walk around the garden and the last time I did I felt so rotten that I actually swore at the remains of a Dahlia which looked very sad after the frost and needed cutting down.

The weather has been very wet and windy but the garden seems to be coping well with the conditions which are quite normal for Cumbria at this time of the year. It is also still quite mild which is a boon and if this is global warming then I really do feel that I am not averse to it.

As I wait to regain my normal charming looks I will content myself with using my one open eye to look at my gardening books, always something to cheer me up.


At 10:43 am, Blogger Bob said...

Oh no Sandy I really feel for you because I know what a tooth abscess is like, I hope you are better soon. Yes I often think that about global warming too.

At 8:52 pm, Blogger Bob said...

How's your mouth doing now Sandy, is it any better?


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